To provide a community based program which encourages public participation through anonymity; and which effectively and efficiently combines the efforts of the public, media, and police to solve crime and make our communities crime free environments.
Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers
…is a community program that successfully combines the efforts of the Public, the Media and the Police to solve crime in our communities.
By offering cash awards and ensuring complete anonymity, Crime Stoppers has eliminated two of the biggest obstacles that normally keep the public from getting involved, namely Fear and Apathy.
Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers was founded in 1987 with the objective of providing this program to all Rural Municipalities, Cities, Towns and Villages not previously benefiting from a Crime Stoppers program. The residents of these areas are the beneficiaries of the Crime Stoppers program by making their communities safer places to live. This is being accomplished through an increased percentage of crimes solved and stolen property recovered. The program also sends a strong preventative message that we, the residents of Saskatchewan, are not willing to turn a blind eye on crime.
The Media
The goal of combating local crime promotes better relations between the community, the police and the media. Through the Crime Stoppers program, the media has the opportunity to assist in resolving a criminal activity in addition to reporting the occurrence.
The Police
Crime on our communities requires innovative, effective programs which generate information for law enforcement agencies dealing with criminal activity. By encouraging greater public participation, the police have a better chance combating crime in our communities.
Crime Stoppers has become one of the most effective and successful examples of community based policing.
Who Administers The Program?
Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers is managed by a volunteer board of directors. They establish policy, raise funds, promote the program, oversee the payment of awards and are responsible to ensure the effective and efficient administration of the program.
The board of directors is comprised of people from all over Saskatchewan who are chosen for their abilities in their field and their commitment to the principles of Crime Stoppers.
Who Funds Crime Stoppers?
Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers is a non-profit organization which is funded by contributions from urban and rural municipalities, individuals, small businesses, major corporations, community service clubs as well as civic, social and professional organizations.
To help Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers continue with their work, you can send a tax deductible donation to:
Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers
Bag Service 2500
Regina, SK S4P 3K7
Who Benefits?
The Community
Through Crime Stoppers you have the opportunity of utilizing an anonymous method to become more involved and to take responsibility in your community. In doing so, you can make an important contribution towards solving and deterring crime resulting in a safer community in which to live.
Cases Cleared
Arrests Made
Property Recovered
Drugs Seized
Total $ Recovered
The Crime Stoppers Promise Of Anonymity: What Tipsters Need To Know
By providing information that Crime Stoppers will share with law enforcement agencies, you are providing an important and valuable public service. We understand that disclosure of your identity might put you at risk. We do everything we can to protect your anonymity. However, that anonymity may be open to challenge in the following situations:
A call to Crime Stoppers made with the intention of “furthering criminal activity or interfering with the administration of justice”. A party who is guilty of a crime cannot use Crime Stoppers to try to divert the blame onto someone else. Crime Stoppers cannot be used to try to “frame” an innocent person.
There is evidence that disclosure of some or all of a tip is necessary to establish someone’s innocence.
A tipster having received the benefit of full legal advice may, for his or her own reasons, elect to waive the privilege.
Do not send any sexually explicit images or videos because they will be forwarded directly to law enforcement and the sender’s anonymity cannot be assured. These will not be treated as a Crime Stoppers tip and will not be eligible for a reward.
For a fuller explanation of these principles, help us to help you by reading and understanding the “Tipster Information” on the Canadian Crime Stoppers website at